Vice-Presidency of Research and Creation | Uniandes

Inspired by the values of excellence, solidarity, integrity and liberty, the Office of the Vice-president of Research and Knowledge Creation is a service unit that accompanies its community in the processes of research and creation. We support the generation of new quality knowledge, the diversification of resources and the realization of all the necessary procedures to achieve success in our research and knowledge creation.



meters of labs and workshops



research groups



doctoral programs

Our impact

Our researchers


In Uniandes we have 756 full-time professors, of which a great number are involved in research and knowledge creation. Among these, the National System of Science and Technology classifies 12 as part of the Emeritus Researcher category (IE), 139 as Senior Researchers (IS), 77 as Associate Researchers (I) and 135 as Junior Researchers (IJ).


Download list of research groups

See Academia research search engine


10.492m² of labs and workshop.

First metabolomics center in Colombia.

First FabLab in a Colombian University.

The Office of the Vice-president of Research and Knowledge Creation has specialized laboratories and services that, together with the workshops and research and creation labs of the different faculties, area available to academia and industry, both at the national as well as the international levels.

See infrastructure and resources

Contact the industry

In Uniandes, the results of the research and knowledge creation projects reach levels of advanced development utilizing the highest quality standards. For this reason, we have different spaces which together allow us to boost their social and economic value to be transferred to the productive sector through licensing, start-ups, co-developments or services. For more information, you can contact the mailing office: [email protected].

See Transference Office

International alliances

We understand the value and importance of cooperation as well as the international scope of our research and knowledge creation projects. For this reason, we have developed alliances with our international peers to strengthen the development of intercultural skills that contribute to obtaining the highest quality results possible.

See the International Affairs site

Doctoral programs

The Universidad de los Andes has been consolidating its offering of doctoral programs and post-doctoral stays over the last two decades, directed at students with a vocation in research in the diverse areas of knowledge that our researchers and research groups develop. In addition to the diverse opportunities offered by our Faculties, the Office of the University Vice-president supports the training of our future doctoral degree holders through research stays both in the university as well as abroad.

See our doctoral programs

Dissemination of knowledge


The Office of the Vice-president is committed to the spreading and visibility of the work of our researchers. For this reason, since 1980, our publishing house is recognized for the publishing and positioning of excellent high-quality contents, derived from the developed research and knowledge creation projects, which are periodically published in our books and indexed journals.

See Uniandes Publications See Uniandes Journals